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Yet as pundits continue to analyze the results across America’s 3,141 counties, there is little question that COVID-19 became the ultimate demonstration that what happens overseas matters in literally every corner of this country – impacting our health, safety, and economy – and not surprisingly, voters’ decisions at the polls. This reality will be a focus point for USGLC in the months ahead – particularly in how voters are relating to the global pandemic and what is happening at kitchen tables in an America more divided than ever.
While votes for the presidential race are still being tallied in several states, there are already important insights and implications emerging from the 2020 results on the nexus between global issues and voters’ choices and views.
And even though partisanship is unlikely to recede anytime soon, we certainly expect bipartisan Congressional support to remain strong on diplomacy and global development on Capitol Hill – from both returning champions and lots of new faces.
Over the past 18 months, the USGLC team, through our Impact 2020 initiative has directly met with and engaged more than 300 candidates for Congress. These briefings – led by local business, veteran, faith, and community leaders – had a clear focus this year on the importance of America’s development, diplomacy, and global health programs in responding to the global pandemic.
Read below on our take on the election results so far – meet the new faces, and what to expect on Capitol Hill from the 117th Congress.
THE ULTIMATE DISRUPTOR. Looking back to March 2020, Vice President Biden became the preeminent Democratic nominee just nine days before President Trump shut down travel from Europe due to COVID-19 and millions of Americans began working from home. Ultimately, the 2020 general election and COVID’s upheaval of American life began nearly simultaneously.
AMERICANS DIVIDED ON COVID RESPONSE. From early on in the pandemic, a Morning Consult/USGLC survey found that 79% of voters believed it was “very important” to work with other countries to fight diseases that could spread globally. Yet there is no question that as the election drew near, voters increasingly began to split dramatically along party lines over each candidates’ prescription for how to respond domestically to COVID-19 in America.
THE WORLD TUNES IN. As Americans started to go to bed in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, the rest of the world started to wake up to witness how American democracy would play out in the midst of the pandemic. On Twitter globally, #Michigan, #Wisconsin, and #USPS all topped the list of globally trending hashtags. And Foreign Policy Magazine reported on Wednesday that “In Europe, everyone seems to be a ‘U.S. specialist’.”
“IT’S THE ECONOMY, STUPID.” In a year of a record-breaking economic collapse, even James Carville may never have imagined how his doctrine from 1992 would be experienced through the prism of a global pandemic in 2020 with more than 8 in 10 voters concerned about the economic impact from COVID-19 in an analysis of aggregate polls by FiveThirtyEight.
PRE-ELECTION IMF FORECAST. Just two weeks ahead of the election, the IMF’s projections for the global GDP decline in 2020 were revised upwards to a 4.4% decline from the 5.2% decline projected in June. Experts cite that the reason for this improvement is largely due to China’s anticipated 1.9% GDP growth this year – the only major economy expected grow.
DEEPENING RURAL-URBAN DIVIDE. Sadly, the divisions between red and blue America appear even further entrenched. While the suburbs became more competitive when comparing 2016 and 2020 exit polls, wide divisions remain between rural and urban America – combined with large gaps between white versus non-white voters and a gender gap that carried over from 2016 into 2020.
While all of these divisions are not unique to this particular election, the continuation of this polarization is a wake-up call for all Americans. As Congresswoman Debbie Dingell from a purple district in Michigan said soon after the election, “I think both Republican and Democrats have to look at the divide in this country and both do some serious soul searching.” The USGLC is committed to prioritize our efforts in bringing a broad sector of America together in conversation through our Heartland Partnership and nationwide town-hall platforms.
A NON-ISSUE. After the 2018 election season saw aid to the Northern Triangle countries debated by some campaigns, the 2020 elections were largely void of any significant discussion of foreign aid. And despite the two-party conventions being upended by the pandemic, the parties released platforms which included positive policy positioning on diplomacy and development:
THE AIR WAR. Out of 6,687 unique Republican and Democratic campaign ads aired in the 2020 cycle, close to 600 – or only about 9% – touched on foreign policy and national security issues. The most common foreign policy themes to emerge included China’s role in the pandemic, the reshoring of supply chains, and the role of alliances.
THE 117TH. Despite the months of battles and billions spent on the airwaves, the advantage of incumbency remained strong once again with what could be more than 90% of incumbents heading back to Washington come January.
SOPHOMORE SERVICE CORPS. In the House, more than 70 veterans have won their races alongside at least 13 new incoming freshmen. This is on par with past cycles – with a number of races still too close to call.
MUSICAL CHAIRS. Even before the votes were cast, this election cycle was already bringing some shifts in the Congressional landscape – particularly in committee leadership:
USGLC RISES. From the USGLC community, five State Advisory Committee members from North Carolina, Florida, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Washington will be heading to Washington to be sworn into the House of Representatives in January. The new Democratic and Republican Members are: Representatives-Elect Deborah Ross (D-NC), Carlos Gimenez (R-FL), Marilyn Strickland (D-WA), Stephanie Bice (R-OK), and Jacob LaTurner (R-KS).
As of this writing, the presidential election has not been called. Once the race has been finalized, look for additional reporting from the USGLC, including a Transition Update should Vice President Biden be declared the winner.
In the meantime, here are a few critical issues to watch:
IMPACT OF DIVIDED GOVERNMENT? With a Senate chamber that is very likely to remain in Republican majority, we will be watching what happens with control of the White House. A divided government that could grow depending on the final outcome of the presidential race will continue to make it increasingly difficult to get things done.
BUDGET BATTLES AND THE LAME DUCK. Without a Fiscal Year 2021 spending bill passed before December 11th, the federal government will face a partial or full shutdown (which last occurred for 35 days starting in December 2018). Some policymakers anticipate that a new COVID relief package and FY21 could get wrapped into the same negotiations process – which, while streamlined, could make a grand compromise each hard to achieve. See the **FULLREPORT**for more details.
GLOBAL PLUM BOOK. Since 2008, the USGLC has created and tracked our own “Global Plum Book” – a take on GAO’s Plum Book which lists the federal governments political appointed positions. Look first for highlights from USGLC with the most likely top 100 foreign policy and national security positions in the federal government. Regardless of outcome, this will be followed by profiles and summaries of all of the new or latest picks for each top role from the State Department, USAID, the new U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), and other development agencies.
THE 2024 RACE STARTS IMMEDIATELY. As soon as the race is called, expect Campaign 2024 to begin as potential candidates from the losing party quietly – and perhaps not so quietly — begin the jockeying.
A political newcomer, Senator-elect Tommy Tuberville comes to Washington after four decades coaching college football, notably at Auburn University in Alabama. The son of a World War II veteran and purple heart recipient, Senator-elect Tuberville views foreign policy and national security through the lens of a strong military. He has said the first role of government is “to protects its citizens” and has called for providing the Armed Forces sufficient resources to protect Americans.
On America’s global engagement, Senator-elect Tuberville has not detailed many foreign policy positions but has been critical of U.S. policy in the Middle East, especially Afghanistan. He called for a reduction in the U.S. presence in the country, which he called a U.S. “police state” and argued that while the country is in need of U.S. assistance, long-standing conflicts are not addressable by a U.S. presence, saying “They’ve been fighting over there for 1,000 years, and we’re not going to solve their problems.”
Addressing resources for international development and diplomacy programs, Senator-elect Tuberville recently responded to a candidate questionnaire saying he would look to foreign aid programs as an area to cut in government spending to help balance the U.S budget. He went on to address specific concerns of international assistance to hostile countries, saying, “We shouldn’t be giving out foreign aid to countries that hate us or use it as a way to buy friends.”
He has also expressed concern about the amount of migration from Africa and the Middle East to the United States, saying America should focus resources and assistance on U.S. citizens. Last year, he said “Right now, we have a huge influx coming from Africa, the Middle East…We can’t afford [it]– they’re coming across, and I know they need help. But people in this country need help, too.”
Tuberville has extensively traveled abroad visiting American troops, U.S. bases, hospitals, and the USS Nassau, in Germany, Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Spain, Kuwait, Iraq, Turkey, and Djibouti as part of the 2008 and 2009 NCAA Coaches Tour.
Members of USGLC’s Alabama Advisory Committee met with Senator-elect Tuberville during the campaign to discuss America’s global leadership and diplomatic and development programs.
A first-time office holder, former U.S. Navy pilot, Gulf War combat veteran, and NASA Astronaut, Senator-elect Mark Kelly is no stranger to national security and foreign policy. Senator-elect Kelly has called for a robust role for the United States on the world stage , pledging that he will work to ensure the United States “remains a global leader and that our allies know that they can continue to trust us.” He says his foreign policy perspective is rooted in his military deployments to the Arabian Gulf, which he has described as giving him “valuable” insights into foreign policy decisions, “particularly in the Middle East.”
A a supporter of a strong military, Senator-elect Kelly has said he believes “first and foremost” in the value of diplomacy . Kelly’s proposed elevation of diplomacy is a key component of his strategy to meet China’s global influence, where he has called for using “diplomatic tools,” along with American allies, to counter China.
A strong supporter of America’s international alliances and multilateral engagement to solve global challenges and threats like climate change, Senator-elect Kelly has said “Our country is at its strongest when we work closely with our allies to achieve our foreign policy goals…I’m concerned that the United States has stepped back from its leadership role in the world by abandoning critical international agreements. He considers climate change to be one of these national security issues and called the decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords “irresponsible.”
On America’s global health programs, in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Senator-elect Kelly called for greater partnership and resources to combat the pandemic. He previously said, “This is a worldwide crisis and a pandemic, and the best thing we can do right now is marshal all the resources we have and fight this thing as a team.”
On America’s global economic engagement , Senator-elect Kelly has highlighted the benefits of international trade and markets to the success of Arizona’s economy. Senator-elect Kelly has said “increasing opportunity in Arizona means supporting economic drivers like trade, tourism and the military.”
Senator-elect Kelly served in the U.S. Navy for 25 years flying 39 combat missions, before serving as a NASA astronaut until his retirement in 2011. He has traveled internationally to Russia, Kazakhstan, Israel, and China where he met his wife, former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, in 2003 at a National Committee on U.S.-China relations exchange program.
USGLC’s Arizona Advisory Committee members met with Senator-elect Kelly during the campaign to discuss America’s global leadership and role of international development and diplomacy.
A geologist turned brewery entrepreneur, Senator-elect John Hickenlooper comes to Washington after having been elected Governor of Colorado and Mayor of Denver, serving the Centennial state in public office for 16 years. Hickenlooper has been a vocal proponent of America’s global leadership, going so far as to describe government’s most profound obligation as “protecting our national security.”
Senator-elect Hickenlooper has detailed a four-pillar vision to his foreign policy approach, which is built from his experience as a Governor, Mayor, and small business leader, and includes, “a clear-eyed identification of our threats and a willingness to honestly confront them as a united country; strengthening our global alliances and partnerships; modernizing our military, defense, and intelligence capabilities to face longstanding and new challenges; and realigning foreign policy to once again reflect American leadership.” During his 2020 presidential campaign, Hickenlooper extolled the value of the U.S. role in the world, calling it a “beacon for democracy and human dignity” and warning that “an isolated America is a weaker America.”
A strong supporter of America’s diplomatic toolkit, Senator-elect Hickenlooper has called diplomacy “critical” and highlighted the return on investment from a robust role for the U.S. in the world, saying, “Decades of American leadership and diplomacy have created a safer and more prosperous world.” He has called for a robust State Department, saying that America’s diplomatic, military, and intelligence capabilities must remain, “the strongest and most respected in the world.”
Hickenlooper was critical of the termination of American aid to the Northern Triangle countries, recently pledging to, “fully restore humanitarian and security aid to Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador,” and arguing that the root causes of migration should be addressed to prevent migration, saying, “investing and putting a larger effort into stabilizing those Northern Triangle countries. …it’s a relatively minute amount of money if you look at it on a diplomatic basis to really give their economies a jolt so people aren’t trying to get away.”
Speaking on global health and pandemic preparedness prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Hickenlooper noted that pandemics and health emergencies are truly global issues requiring U.S. leadership, saying global health emergencies, “cannot be addressed in isolation” and “require constant engagement.” Calling climate change “a defining challenge of our time” while serving as governor of Colorado, Hickenlooper signed an executive order committing the state to the U.S. Climate Alliance, an effort at the state-level to promote the goals of the Paris Climate Accord.
A former Chair of the National Governors Association, while serving as Colorado’s Chief Executive, Hickenlooper participated in trade missions to India, Japan, China, Turkey, and Israel. The USGLC briefed Senator-elect Hickenlooper directly during the campaign.
USGLC’s Colorado Advisory Committee members met with Senator-elect Hickenlooper during the campaign to discuss America’s global leadership and the role of international development and diplomacy.
A Kansas native, military veteran, physician, and two-term member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Senator-elect Roger Marshall has called America’s national security and defense a “core function” of government.
During his tenure in the House, Senator-elect Marshall supported a number of international development and diplomacy programs including co-sponsoring the Reach Every Mother and Child Act, the United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act, and supported the Global Fragility and Violence Reduction Act
A top priority for Senator-elect Marshall has been addressing global food insecurity, saying that food grown in Kansas can “have life-changing impact on people across the globe.” He supported a resolution recognizing the success of the Food for Peace Act and calling for greater food security efforts in South Sudan, and last year introduced a resolution recognizing U.S. leadership in combatting maternal and child malnutrition.
On global health programs, Senator-elect Marshall co-sponsored a resolution commending the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria for its work in combatting those epidemics. That said, Senator-elect Marshall has been critical of the World Health Organization in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, introducing legislation calling for an investigation by the State Department into a possible “cover up” of the outbreak in China and the WHO’s role in the pandemic response.
On other related issues, Senator-elect Marshall has said that greater member contributions have made NATO stronger, and voted for the NATO Support Act, which prohibited the use of funds to withdraw the United States from NATO.
From 1984 to 1992, Senator-elect Marshall served in the U.S. Army Reserves, where he trained mobile hospital support units. He has traveled extensively overseas, participating in mission trips and medical service projects with his church and Rotary International in Central America, Haiti, Kenya, and Honduras. He has participated on several congressional delegations, including visits to Cuba, Israel, and Kuwait.
Senator-elect Marshall has engaged on several occasions with members of USGLC’s Kansas Advisory Committee, having recently participated in an event saying “America can’t spend money on everything, but we should spend money on the right thing” and saying that development and diplomacy were the “right thing.”
A five-term member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Senator-elect Ben Ray Lujan enters the U.S. Senate with a strong and consistent record of supporting America’s global leadership, saying “The United States is stronger and safer when we prioritize principled, rational, and prudent policies that match our values…our policies should protect Americans, promote democracy.” Advocating a holistic approach utilizing all the tools of national power, Senator-elect Lujan has called for a foreign policy that “prioritizes democracy, diplomacy, development, in addition to defense.”
During his tenure in Congress, Senator-elect Lujan supported several international development and diplomacy programs and pieces of legislation. On supporting the rights of women and girls, he supported the creation of a senior coordinator for gender equality and women’s empowerment at USAID and cosponsored the Girls Count Act of 2014.
On global education, Senator-elect Lujan has been supportive of expanded access to education in developing countries, having cosponsored the Education for All Act. On Africa, he voted for the Electrify Africa Act, and on global health programs, cosponsored legislation to improve nutrition for pregnant women and children, as well as legislation reiterating U.S. support to GAVI and the Global Fund. On democracy promotion, he voted for the PEACE Act, and has spoken on the House floor regarding the importance of efforts to combat human and sex trafficking, especially for those “fleeing extreme violence in Central America.”
A vocal supporter of resources for international development and diplomacy programs, Senator-elect Lujan has also been critical of recent decisions to terminate American aid. He was critical of the termination of aid to Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras saying the U.S. should be “working with those countries” addressing violence that is causing people to flee, and signaling the need for more resources for humanitarian programs in the region.
On America’s international alliances and multilateral organizations, Senator-elect Lujan has called for greater U.S. engagement to solve global challenges, Senator-elect Lujan has said “The U.S. has a leading role to play in the global community, working with allies to address humanitarian crises as well as threats to national security…It is important that the United States continues to work with its NATO allies.” Supporting greater U.S. efforts in combatting climate change, he was critical of the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate agreement, saying the decision alienates our allies and undermines U.S. global leadership.
On other foreign policy issues, Senator-elect Lujan has participated in several overseas congressional delegations during his time in Congress, including to Iraq, Afghanistan, Mexico, and Israel. Prior to joining the U.S. Senate, Lujan represented New Mexico’s 3rd congressional district since 2009, during which he was selected as an Assistant Speaker of the House, making him the highest-ranking Hispanic Member in Congress.
USGLC’s New Mexico Advisory Committee members met with Senator-elect Lujan to discuss America’s global leadership and role for international development and diplomacy programs.
An international businessman and former U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Senator-elect Bill Hagerty has aligned his vision for America’s role in the world with President Trump’s America First approach. Hagerty has drawn parallels between the Administration’s foreign policy approach and the “Peace through Strength” mantra.
After working for Boston Consulting Group in Tokyo earlier in his career, Hagerty returned to Japan to serve as U.S. Ambassador from 2017 to 2019. Stemming from his background in global business and as Commissioner of Economic Development in Tennessee, Senator-elect Hagerty prioritized global economic engagement with Japan, noting deep commercial ties through agricultural products to medical equipment and auto parts, calling Japan a “huge market for our farmers… our producers… our manufacturers.”
A strong advocate for a robust military, Senator-elect Hagerty has called members of the U.S. armed forces our country’s “most important national security asset,” and noted that his experience in Japan, which has the highest number of U.S. military personnel outside of the United States, showed him the tremendous sacrifices they make “to keep our country, and the world, safe.” Senator-elect Hagerty has called for a stronger response to Chinese global behavior and influence.
While not extensively addressing international development programs or resources, on global health, Senator-elect Hagerty has been critical of the World Health Organization’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak, calling for greater accountability in the health body, and pledging to protect American taxpayer dollars for the benefit of America.
Coming to the Senate with extensive private sector experience, Senator-elect Hagerty served as CEO of a global private equity firm and automotive supply firm, with offices in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. He has touted the benefits of global economic engagement, saying foreign trade has been a “huge boom to Tennessee,” and he led trade groups of Tennessee business leaders abroad, including to China, South Korea, and Mexico, and met with a delegation from Senegal to discuss bilateral economic opportunities.
A businesswoman, former state legislator, and state Treasurer of Wyoming, Senator-elect Cynthia Lummis returns to Washington after having served four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2009 – 2017. She considers her foreign policy worldview aligned with President Reagan’s Peace Through Strength mantra and President Trump’s policy platform of “America First,” saying she leaned toward non-interventionist strategies in America’s foreign policy and aligned her vison for America’s role in the world with President Trump’s foreign policy approach of “all three levers – diplomacy, trade, and our military.”
Senator-elect Lummis served on the House Appropriations Committee, and as Vice Chair of the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee’s Subcommittee on National Security. On America’s development and diplomacy programs, Senator-elect Lummis was a co-sponsor of the Electrify Africa Act and spoke on the House floor praising the legislation as improving the quality of life, saying “Almost 70 percent of the population in sub-Saharan Africa lives in energy poverty, without access to even basic electricity services. The connection between energy poverty and economic poverty cannot be ignored.”
However, Senator-elect Lummis has been critical of some American aid and diplomacy efforts. On international organizations and multilateral engagement, she supported legislation which would have repealed U.S. loans and appropriations to the International Monetary Fund and supported efforts to move U.S. contributions to the United Nations to a voluntary rather than mandatory assessment. On support for refugees and migrants, Senator-elect Lummis voiced objection to the relocation of Syrian refugees to the United States, saying “We have already spent tens of millions of dollars to help these refugees as they arrive in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon. It makes much more sense to keep these refugees closer to their country.” On democracy promotion and development assistance, she supported efforts to prohibit U.S. assistance to Afghanistan until the Afghan government provided tax exemptions to U.S. contractors, and voted against the PEACE Act which would have supported U.S. development programs in Pakistan.
Senator-elect Lummis has traveled extensively around the world, including participating on CODELs to Burma, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Thailand, and Turkey. During the campaign, USGLC members met with Senator-elect Lummis to discuss her vision for America’s role in the world and the value of international development and diplomacy programs.
State | District | Departing Member | New Member | Reason for Departure |
AL | 1 | Bradley Byrne (R) | Jerry Carl (R) | Running for Senate (Lost Senate Primary) |
AL | 2 | Martha Roby (R) | Barry Moore (R) | Retiring |
CA | 53 | Susan Davis (D) | Sara Jacobs (D) | Retiring |
CO | 3 | Scott Tipton (R) | Lauren Boebert (R) | Lost Primary |
FL | 3 | Ted Yoho (R) | Kat Cammack (R) | Retiring |
FL | 15 | Ross Spano (R) | Scott Franklin (R) | Lost Primary |
FL | 19 | Francis Rooney (R) | Byron Donalds (R) | Retiring |
FL | 26 | Debbie Mucarsel Powell (D) | Carlos Giminez (R) | Defeated November 3 |
FL | 27 | Donna Shalala (D) | Maria Elvira Salazar (R) | Defeated November 3 |
GA | 5 | John Lewis (D) | Nikema Williams (D) | Died (07/17/2020) |
GA | 9 | Doug Collins (R) | Andrew Clyde (R) | Running for Senate |
GA | 14 | Tom Graves (R) | Marjorie Greene (R) | Resigned (10/04/2020) |
HI | 2 | Tulsi Gabbard (D) | Kaiali’i Kahele (D) | Ran for President |
IA | 1 | Abby Finkenauer (D) | Ashley Hinson (R) | Defeated November 3 |
IA | 4 | Steve King (R) | Randy Feenstra (R) | Lost Primary |
IL | 3 | Dan Lipinski (D) | Marie Newman (D) | Lost Primary |
IL | 15 | John Shimkus (R) | Mary Miller (R) | Retiring |
IN | 1 | Peter Viscloski (D) | Frank Mrvan (D) | Retiring |
IN | 5 | Susan Brooks (R) | Victoria Spartz (R) | Retiring |
KS | 1 | Roger Marshall (R) | Tracey Mann (R) | Running for Senate |
KS | 2 | Steve Walkins (R) | Jake LaTurner (R) | Lost Primary |
MA | 4 | Joe Kennedy (D) | Jake Auchincloss (D) | Lost Senate Primary |
MI | 3 | Justin Amash (L) | Peter Meijer (R) | Retiring |
MI | 10 | Paul Mitchell (R) | Lisa McClain (R) | Retiring |
MN | 7 | Collin Peterson (D) | Michelle Fischbach (R) | Defeated November 3 |
MO | 1 | William Lacy Clay (D) | Cory Bush (D) | Lost Primary |
MT | AL | Greg Gianforte (R) | Matt Rosendale (R) | Running for Governor |
NC | 2 | George Holding (R) | Deborah Ross (D) | Retiring |
NC | 6 | Mark Walker (R) | Kathy Manning (D) | Retiring |
NC | 11 | Mark Meadows (R) | Madison Cawthorne (R) | Resigned (03/30/2020) |
NM | 2 | Xochitl Torres Small (D) | Yvette Herrell (R) | Defeated November 3 |
NM | 3 | Ben Ray Lujan (D) | Teresa Leger Fernandez (D) | Running for Senate |
NY | 15 | Jose Serrano (D) | Ritchie Torres (D) | Retiring |
NY | 16 | Eliot Engel (D) | Jamaal Bowman (D) | Lost Primary |
NY | 17 | Nita Lowey (D) | Mondaire Jones (D) | Retiring |
OK | 5 | Kendra Horn (D) | Stephanie Bice (R) | Defeated November 3 |
OR | 2 | Greg Walden (R) | Cliff Bentz (R) | Retiring |
SC | 1 | Joe Cunningham (D) | Nancy Mace (R) | Defeated November 3 |
TN | 1 | Phil Roe (R) | Diana Harshbarger (R) | Retiring |
TX | 4 | John Ratcliffe (R) | Pat Fallon (R) | Resigned (05/22/2020) |
TX | 11 | Mike Conaway (R) | August Pfluger (R) | Retiring |
TX | 13 | Mac Thornberry (R) | Ronny Jackson (R) | Retiring |
TX | 17 | Bill Flores (R) | Pete Sessions (R) | Retiring |
TX | 22 | Pete Olson (R) | Troy Nehls (R) | Retiring |
TX | 23 | Will Hurd (R) | Tony Gonzales (R) | Retiring |
UT | 1 | Rob Bishop (R) | Blake Moore (R) | Retiring |
VA | 5 | Denver Riggleman (R) | Robert Good (R) | Lost Primary |
WA | 10 | Denny Heck (D) | Marilyn Strickland (D) | Running for Lieutenant Governor |
WI | 5 | Jim Sensenbrenner (R) | Scott Fitzgerald (R) | Retiring |
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