Today the House and Senate Budget Committees began consideration of their respective versions of the FY09 Concurrent Budget Resolution. House Budget Chairman John Spratt (D-SC) proposed $38.3 billion for the International Affairs Budget, representing a $1.5 billion or 3.8 percent decrease from the Administration’s CBO adjusted request level of $39.8 billion. While the Senate Budget Committee has not released its allocations, target funding for the International Affairs Budget is expected to be considerably lower than the House level.
The House Budget Resolution is expected to include $38.3 billion in base funding for the FY09 International Affairs Budget which represents a:
- $1.5 billion decrease from the Administration’s request level;
- $1.9 billion over FY08 enacted level of $36.7 billion (including $2.4 billion in emergency spending);
- $4 billion or nearly 12 percent increase over base FY08 enacted level of $34.3 billion (excluding $2.4 billion in emergency spending).
The USGLC is disappointed that both Budget Committees are expected to once again reduce funding for the International Affairs Budget below the Administration’s request. We will continue to urge Congress to do everything it can to restore full funding during floor debate on the Concurrent Budget Resolution and the binding 302(b) allocations later this spring. Watch for an Action Alert later this week!