March 12, 2010

Budget Mark-ups Delayed; USGLC Military Leaders Send Letter to Congress

While it has not officially been announced, our sources on the Hill have indicated that both the House and Senate Budget Committee mark-ups of the FY11 Budget Resolutions will be delayed until after the spring recess, which is currently scheduled for March 29th through April 9th. Delaying the Committee mark-ups will ensure Congress does not meet the non-binding April 15th deadline to complete the budget process and increases the chances that Congress will not adopt a budget resolution this year. If that is the case, the Appropriations Committees would begin work on the 12 FY11 Appropriations bills probably sometime in May after determining the all-important 302(b) allocations for the 12 subcommittees.

Forty-eight retired four-and three-star generals and admirals from all five branches of the Armed Services who are members of the USGLC’s National Security Advisory Council (NSAC) issued a letter on Wednesday, March 10th, expressing their support for increased investments in America’s non-military tools of diplomacy and development. The letter, led by NSAC Co-Chairs General Michael Hagee, USMC (Ret.) and Admiral James Loy, USCG (Ret.), specifically urges Congress to support the President’s $58.5 billion FY11 International Affairs Budget request. The letter comes on the heels of Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mullen remarks calling for increased resources for civilian capabilities at the State Department and USAID.