USGLC in the Media

March 10, 2010 By Jordan Smith

USGLC is getting media attention for its letter to Congress from military leaders urging a boost in the International Affairs Budget. Among the most influential reporters in D.C., Laura Rozen of Politico writes that “[j]oining recent calls by Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Michael Mullen to expand U.S. civilian capacities to reduce dependence on the military, some 50 former three and four star generals and flag officers have written Congress urging then to pass the Obama administration’s $58.5 billion FY 2011 international affairs budget.”

The insider, subscription-only publication Congressional Quarterly mentioned the letter in its daily Budget Tracker: “The nonprofit U.S. Global Leadership Coalition called on members of Congress to provide at least the $58.5 billion that they say Obama requested for international affairs. More than 20 retired generals and 15 admirals joined with the coalition in calling on lawmakers to support what it calls an 11.6 percent increase in the fiscal 2011 budget request for international affairs. ‘Balancing our military power with the range of International Affairs programs funded by the International Affairs Budget is critical to stabilizing fragile states, combating terrorism, and deterring threats before they reach America’s shores,’ wrote the group in a letter to members of Congress.”

Read the full letter here.

Read USGLC’s press release on the letter here.