Veterans for Smart Power

June 3, 2010 By Jordan Smith

This week the USGLC launched its Veterans for Smart Power movement, enlisting veterans of all ages and ranks who recognize the global challenges our nation faces today require a “smart power” approach, where development and diplomacy, alongside defense, are key to our national security.

Veterans know first-hand why investments in our non-military tools are so critical, and now they can lend their name to the growing number of military voices who support this idea. If you are a veteran, all you have to do is add your name to this important cause.  Service members across the country will be offering their personal stories of seeing first-hand the benefits to American security of these vital civilian tools. In doing so, they will be joining a host of military supporters of a Smart Power foreign policy, including more than 50 retired three- and four-star generals; Secretary of Defense Robert Gates; Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen; and all living former Secretaries of State.

Speaking of the Veterans for Smart Power movement, General Michael W. Hagee, USMC (Ret.) and Admiral James M. Loy USCG (Ret.), co-chairs of USGLC’s National Security Advisory Council said, “We are proud to serve as co-chairs of the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition’s National Security Advisory Council and hope you will support this critical mission of ensuring that the United States combine its strong military with robust, effective development and diplomacy in an era when many of the challenges of the 21st century recognize no borders.”