April 25, 2017

Analysis of House and Senate Funding Levels for FY17 International Affairs Budget

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Since the Administration released its request in February, the House and Senate have developed their own funding proposals for the FY17 International Affairs Budget, though neither have been finalized and are unlikely to be passed into law before the fiscal year ends on September 30.

While the Administration requested $54.3 billion for the International Affairs Budget, the Senate provided $54.1 billion and the House $54.0 billion for America’s development and diplomacy programs. These numbers all represent approximately a 1% cut to the International Affairs Budget compared to current spending.


While relatively modest compared to the draconian cuts that could have taken place under sequestration, funding for International Affairs programs has been cut 12% over the last six years despite the growing number of complex global crises facing the United States. This downward trend in funding is concerning given the challenges facing our nation.

Download the full report for a comparison of the FY17 budget request, the Senate funding proposal, and the House funding proposal.



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