Past Event / August 29, 2012

Republican National Convention Program: America’s Leadership in the World

Photos Video Transcript

The International Republican Institute, the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, and ONE hosted a panel discussion during the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida to highlight U.S. leadership in international development. The premier foreign policy event at the Convention, The U.S. Role in International Development—Legacy and Future, featured two panels of prominent policymakers and opinion leaders who discussed the foreign policy legacy of past Republican administrations and addressed the future of US foreign policy.



Featured Speakers

Honorable Kelly Ayotte Honorable Kelly Ayotte (NH)
U.S. Senate
Joshua Bolten Joshua Bolten
White House Chief of Staff (2006-2009)
Ambassador Paula Dobriansky Ambassador Paula Dobriansky
Foreign Policy Advisor to Governor Romney
Michael Gerson Michael Gerson
Chief Presidential Speechwriter (2001-2006)
Honorable Kay Granger Honorable Kay Granger (TX)
U.S. House of Representatives
KT McFarland KT McFarland
National Security Analyst, FOX News
Honorable Tim Pawlenty Honorable Tim Pawlenty
Governor of Minnesota (2003-2011)
Mitchell Reiss Mitchell Reiss
Foreign Policy Advisor to Governor Romney
Condoleeza Rice Dr. Condoleeza Rice
Secretary of State (2005-2009)
Rich WIlliamson Rich Williamson
Foreign Policy Advisor to Governor Romney
