May 28, 2010
New National Security Strategy Calls Development and Diplomacy Key to Keeping U.S. Safe
Washington, DC —Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former Homeland Security Secretary and Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge released this statement as co-chairs of the USGLC’s Putting Smart Power to Work Campaign:
“The President has it right in his National Security Strategy to call for using all of the tools we have at our disposal to keep our nation safe, particularly the call to increase civilian-led efforts. Now more than ever, we need to utilize non-military tools—development and diplomacy—alongside a strong defense, in order to keep our nation safe from today’s global challenges.
“Today, national security is as much about providing access to education and health care, opening markets for trade around the world and supporting human rights and democratic values, as it is about traditional defense programs. This not only protects our nation, but also promotes our economic security and enhances our image throughout the world.”
The U.S. Global Leadership Coalition ( is a broad-based influential network of 400 businesses and NGOs; national security and foreign policy experts; and business, faith-based, academic and community leaders in all 50 states who support a smart power approach of elevating development and diplomacy alongside defense in order to build a better, safer world.