Blog Posts in Congress

  • January 27, 2017

    GOP Senator: U.S. Foreign Assistance Vital to National Security

    Megan Rabbitt in Congress, Diplomacy, Global Development | January 27, 2017

    Days after Donald Trump was sworn in as our nation’s 45th President, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) spoke with John Dickerson on CBS’ Face the Nation about why combating terrorism necessitates a strong investment in our civilian-led tools of foreign policy. The Senator maintained that in order to keep America safe, strong, and secure the U.S. needs to leverage the powers of foreign assistance, development, and diplomacy alongside the strength of our military.

  • January 13, 2017

    What Did We Learn This Week From Trump’s National Security Team?

    John Glenn in Congress | January 13, 2017

    This week’s confirmation hearings gave a first glimpse into the views of the new Administration’s nominees on the foreign policy challenges we face today and on strategic investments in diplomacy and development. They also showcased strong bipartisan support in Congress for the International Affairs Budget. Chairman Bob Corker (R-TN) opened Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson’s hearings with the Senate Foreign Operations Subcommittee, saying that the International Affairs Budget at “one percent of the U.S. budget” makes the military “much less likely to be in harm’s way.”

  • September 15, 2016

    A Surprising Success Story in Congress: American Aid

    Liz Schrayer in Congress, Global Development | September 15, 2016

    “Washington is broken, nothing is getting done” is a mantra we hear often these days. Yet there is one issue that has continuously broken through in this Congress with bipartisan support: America’s foreign assistance programs. Five major pieces of bipartisan legislation on global development have been signed into law in less than two years—on food security, energy, rights for women and girls, water and sanitation, and aid transparency—all in an effort to advance America’s interests in the world.

  • August 17, 2016

    The “Shark Tank” for Zika Mosquitoes

    Sung Lee in Congress, Global Development | August 17, 2016

    While Congress debates additional resources to combat Zika this hot and steamy summer, over 900 entrepreneurs have been competing in a “Shark Tank”-like challenge for funding for new ideas to combat the virus. From an electric force field that repels mosquitoes to a mobile app that detects whether mosquitoes are carrying the virus, 21 ideas were selected to win over $15 million in grants through USAID’s Combating Zika and Future Threats Grand Challenge.

  • June 16, 2016

    Believe It or Not, Congress is Getting Things Done – on Foreign Assistance

    Amanda Boyce in Congress, Diplomacy, Global Development | June 16, 2016

    It’s conventional wisdom that Congress doesn’t get much done in an election year. But under the radar, Congress has been remarkably productive at moving bipartisan legislation on foreign assistance. At a time when political polarization can seem stronger than ever, members of Congress have found common ground in ensuring the sustained effectiveness of development and diplomacy.

  • June 9, 2016

    What More Can Congress Do to Combat Violent Extremism?

    Amanda Boyce in Congress, National Security | June 9, 2016

    At the front lines in the battle against violent extremism, U.S. Africa Command – AFRICOM – recently sought to transfer funds to USAID for community-led violence prevention programs in Niger, only to be told that it lacked the authority to do so. Transfer authority would have to come from Congress. Most observers, including Admiral James Stavridis and General John Allenagree that combating violent extremism must include what the military calls “kinetic” tools targeting insurgents alongside the “non-kinetic” tools of diplomacy and development to counter radicalization and promote stability in weak and fragile states.

  • April 7, 2016

    18 Former Senate Leaders Urge Congress to Protect International Affairs Budget

    Elizabeth Holtan in Congress | April 7, 2016

    This week, a bipartisan group of former U.S. senators came together in support of America’s international affairs funding, urging the leaders of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the State-Foreign Operations Subcommittee to maintain America’s role in the world.

  • March 15, 2016

    What Congress is Saying About the Future of U.S. International Affairs Programs

    Elizabeth Holtan in Congress | March 15, 2016

    Congress is often accused of becoming more and more divided, and that partisanship is worse than ever (check out Brookings’ interactive graphic of Members’ historical voting patterns). However, the International Affairs Budget — and U.S. global development programs — continue to enjoy broad support from both sides of the aisle. As the FY2017 federal budget process moves forward, we’ve been tracking what’s being said in the House and Senate hearings about the future of our nation’s international affairs programs.

  • March 3, 2016

    Strengthening MCC for the Future

    John Glenn in Congress, Global Development | March 3, 2016

    As Congress prepares its blueprint for the International Affairs Budget for next year, the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) released a five-year strategic plan that highlights the “single mission” that inspired its creation: reducing poverty through economic growth. The plan points a way forward for MCC amid unprecedented global crises and tremendous opportunities.

  • February 18, 2016

    The 2017 U.S. foreign aid budget and U.S. global leadership: The proverbial frog in a slowly heating pot

    George Ingram in Congress, Diplomacy, Global Development | February 18, 2016

    On February 9, President Obama submitted his FY 2017 budget request to Congress. The proposed international affairs budget is down 1 percent from current funding levels and 12 percent (in constant dollars) since 2010, better than many domestic accounts. In addition, outside the regular budget, the administration is proposing $1.8 billion ($376 million from the international affairs budget account) to meet the latest pandemic — the Zika virus. Given the budget environment, the proposed amounts for the international affairs budget seem reasonable.