Blog Posts in Global Development

  • October 12, 2018

    The Best Biodefense is a Good Offense

    Zach Cohen in Global Development, National Security | October 12, 2018

    National Security Advisor John Bolton and Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar announced a new National Biodefense Strategy, directing the Administration’s focus towards prevention of the Ebola virus.

  • October 4, 2018

    Nobel Laureates, Lasers, and A Path to Curing Blindness in Armenia

    Allison Taylor in Global Development | October 4, 2018

    The Nobel Prize is a celebration of revolutionary achievements and discoveries in science, literature, and peace, and recognizes the global impact that these achievements have had.

  • September 17, 2018

    The Clock Is Ticking on Global Food Security

    Guest Contributor - Sylvain Roy in Economic Prosperity, Global Development | September 17, 2018

    Food insecurity hinders nearly every aspect of human life, subjecting undernourished populations to a range of physical and societal ills—including higher childhood mortality, stunted growth, susceptibility to disease, lack of economic opportunity, poor education, and victimization by radical movements. One thing is clear at this point in our planet’s history: It is absolutely critical to support international development efforts that can increase the world’s ability to achieve food security through sustainable agriculture.

  • August 8, 2018

    Fueling Rural Economies Combats Global Hunger, Benefits America

    Sung Lee in Economic Prosperity, Global Development | August 8, 2018

    Since 2010, Feed the Future has helped an estimated 23.4 million people escape poverty and has prevented 3.4 million children from suffering from the devastating and irreversible effects of stunting. Furthermore, the program helped unlock $3.3 billion in agricultural rural loans, enabling farmers to generate $10.5 billion in new agricultural sales from 2011 through 2017. This economic growth has also created new markets for American businesses.

  • August 1, 2018

    In Rural India, An Innovative Partnership Is Saving Mothers and Babies

    Alexandra Teisan in Global Development | August 1, 2018

    In an effort to help save mothers and babies in India, Merck’s global initiative, a 10-year, $500 million initiative to help create a world where no woman dies giving life— joined forces with the U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to help small Rajasthani health care facilities meet new nationally-accredited standards for maternal care. In order to reach this ambitious goal, Merck for Mothers and USAID turned to an innovative financing mechanism: a development impact bond.

  • July 30, 2018

    What Do Ivanka, Corker, and Ashton Kutcher Have in Common?

    Megan Rabbitt in Congress, Global Development | July 30, 2018

    Ridding the world of modern slavery and human trafficking will require a coordinated and sustained global effort – an effort that has already attracted an unlikely cast of champions – from Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate to West Wing advisors and Hollywood celebrities.

  • July 26, 2018

    The World Is Getting Younger: Aid Groups Rush to Meet Urgent Needs

    Megan Rabbitt in Global Development | July 26, 2018

    A staggering 25 percent of the global population is now between the ages of 10 and 24. And while meeting the needs of an outsized youth population would be a challenge for any country, the majority of the world’s young people are concentrated in resource-strapped nations. As this so-called “youth bulge” continues to grow, developing countries will need the support of developed nations and private organizations to ensure every young person has the chance to become a self-sufficient adult. International non-profit Global Communities is working alongside the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to make sure today’s youth have the foundation they need to lead healthy, happy lives.

  • July 12, 2018

    How Much Do America’s NATO Allies Spend on Global Development?

    John Glenn in Global Development, National Security | July 12, 2018

    At the recent NATO summit, much time was spent discussing whether America’s allies spend enough on defense. At a time when many of today’s global challenges do not have military solutions alone – from pandemics like Ebola to refugees driven by famines and conflicts – how does the debate shift if we consider not just military spending but spending on global development?

  • July 2, 2018

    Diagnosing One to Save Many: Combatting HIV/AIDS at the Community Level

    Vyette Tiya in Global Development | July 2, 2018

    Amina knew she was very sick but she had never been tested for HIV – her fear of testing positive and the stigma surrounding the disease had kept her from seeking care. In Tanzania, convincing people like Amina to learn their status and start treatment is one of the most significant barriers health workers face in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

  • June 27, 2018

    Coordinating America’s National Security Tools in Conflict-Torn Nations

    Abhik K. Pramanik in Global Development | June 27, 2018

    President Trump’s comments have ignited a debate over what the United States’ role should be following the de-escalation of military conflict in war-torn states. In order to maintain the military’s hard fought gains and prevent the return of ISIS, it’s critical that people are able to return home to begin the hard work of rebuilding their country.