Blog Posts in Global Development

  • October 16, 2017

    World Food Day: Joining Forces to End Hunger

    Megan Rabbitt in Global Development | October 16, 2017

    As we mark World Food Day and celebrate the incredible progress Feed the Future has made possible, we are reminded that there is so much left to do. 800 million people will go to bed hungry tonight, and over 20 million people are at risk of starvation from the threat of famine. Increasing food security and building resiliency has taken on a new sense of urgency— but with continued investment and support, Feed the Future is well on its way to ending hunger once and for all.

  • October 12, 2017

    Brookings Podcast: The Experts Break Down Issues Facing U.S. Foreign Assistance

    Megan Guilfoyle in Global Development | October 12, 2017

    The latest episode of the Brookings Cafeteria podcast delves into the current challenges facing U.S. foreign assistance— including how Americans perceive foreign aid, the role the United States plays in a complex and turbulent world, and a deep dive into the current consensus around restructuring and reforming the State Department and USAID.

  • October 5, 2017

    In Times of Conflict, Teachers Make All the Difference

    Megan Guilfoyle in Global Development | October 5, 2017

    As we mark this World Teacher Day, we are reminded of the partnerships around the world that help to provide quality education in challenging times. Now is the time to double down on efforts to equip educators around the world with the resources and training needed to do their jobs— because an effective teacher can make a world of difference.

  • September 21, 2017

    President Trump Goes to New York

    John Glenn in Diplomacy, Global Development | September 21, 2017

    While the coverage of President Trump’s first speech at the United Nations General Assembly has focused on his defense of his “America First” message, stress on “sovereignty,” and threat to totally destroy North Korea, close listeners may have also heard him mention America’s efforts to fight HIV/AIDS, stop preventable disease like malaria, and advance the rights of women and girls around the world for the first time in office.

  • September 8, 2017

    Improving Literacy to Lift Up the Next Generation

    Megan Rabbitt in Global Development | September 8, 2017

    Consider this: if every child learned how to read before leaving school, 171 million people worldwide would be lifted out of poverty. And if all women completed a primary education, maternal death rates would drop by 66 percent.

  • September 6, 2017

    All Eyes on Yemen at the United Nations General Assembly

    Abhik K. Pramanik in Global Development | September 6, 2017

    On September 12th, the United Nations kicks off its 72nd General Assembly with leaders from across the globe in attendance.  Coordination of the U.N.’s humanitarian and disaster relief efforts will be central to the conversation, especially in Yemen, which was recently declared the world’s largest humanitarian crisis by the heads of several global humanitarian agencies.

  • August 19, 2017

    World Humanitarian Day 2017 – Fighting Famine in Somalia

    Megan Guilfoyle in Global Development | August 19, 2017

    It’s vital for our nation and the world continue the fight against famine in some of the world’s most dangerous places.

  • August 11, 2017

    Creating Opportunities for Refugee Youth

    Rebecca Wexler in Global Development | August 11, 2017

    Never in history has the global community had more young people to celebrate than on this International Youth Day, as the world recently hit the largest global youth population ever recorded.

  • July 28, 2017

    How U.S. Partnerships are Saving Lives, Stopping Spread of Hepatitis

    Megan Guilfoyle in Global Development | July 28, 2017

    For many people living in developing countries without strictly enforced medical hygiene and safety standards, a simple injection can sometimes lead to potentially life-threatening diseases like hepatitis and HIV. In honor of World Hepatitis Day, we acknowledge the great impact that public-private partnerships have had on tackling hepatitis across the globe.

  • June 22, 2017

    Reasons for Optimism at USAID

    Sean Hansen in Congress, Global Development | June 22, 2017

    After sailing through his nomination hearing with strong bipartisan support, senators on the Foreign Relations Committee and other development leaders have called for a speedy confirmation for Ambassador Mark Green as the 18th Administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development. While he will face a host of other challenges— including the largest humanitarian crisis since World War II, and a budget proposal that seeks drastic cuts to USAID— he remains hopeful about the opportunities and improvements that have been made at the agency.