Blog Posts in Global Development

  • June 19, 2017

    Congressional Leaders Join Together to Support Diplomacy and Development

    Jessica Mulligan in Congress, Diplomacy, Global Development | June 19, 2017

    Last week, the chorus of voices in support of America’s diplomacy and development programs reverberated across Capitol Hill as Cabinet officials testified on the Administration’s proposal to cut the International Affairs Budget by a draconian and disproportionate 32%.

  • June 9, 2017

    Former Secretaries of State, Foreign Policy Leaders: America’s Global Engagement is Critical for Our Nation

    Jessica Mulligan in Diplomacy, Global Development | June 9, 2017

    As the debate over funding for the International Affairs Budget continues – most recently with the release of the Administration’s FY18 budget request, which calls for a deep and disproportionate 32% cut to the State Department and USAID – there remains a growing chorus of bipartisan voices speaking out in support of strategic investments in development and diplomacy. In addition to military, business, and faith leaders from around the country, some of our nation’s most venerated foreign policy minds are making their voices heard on the critical need for a fully funded International Affairs Budget.

  • June 9, 2017

    “Your Eighty Dollars”: The Marshall Plan 70 Years Later

    John Glenn in Diplomacy, Economic Prosperity, Global Development | June 9, 2017

    Against the backdrop of today’s debate about America’s role in the world, it is striking to re-read the speech by Secretary of State George C. Marshall announcing the Marshall Plan on the 70th anniversary of its delivery. The Marshall Plan, which helped rebuild the economies of Western Europe after World War II, is often seen as the model for American global leadership. Secretary Marshall makes not a selfless appeal to support a new global order, but a calculated appeal to Americans’ self-interest, accompanied by a sophisticated series of short films to explain its benefits.

  • June 8, 2017

    Above the Surface: From Ocean Health to Human Prosperity

    Allison Taylor in Global Development | June 8, 2017

    As we consider all the ways in which we rely on Earth’s oceans this World Oceans Day, its theme, Our Ocean, Our Future, is particularly timely for the growing environmental, social, and economic impacts of illegal fishing. But if you’re wondering how you can help combat this global issue, Paul G. Allen, founder of Vulcan Inc., has a simple suggestion: “Make informed choices about the seafood we buy: what type, where it’s from, and how it was caught.”

  • June 2, 2017

    Organic Growth: New Opportunities for Youth in the Philippines

    Guest Author in Economic Prosperity, Global Development | June 2, 2017

    Only two years ago, Aizel Quisano was one of thousands of young people in the Mindanao region of the Philippines who were both out of school and unemployed. A future in her hometown of Lamitan City looked bleak. She was desperate for work and even considered leaving her family to seek employment in Cavite, a city 850 miles to the north, near Manila. But now, those days are behind her. New life skills and a new job at an organic farm in Lamitan City are enriching both her life and her community.

  • May 30, 2017

    China’s “One Belt One Road” vs. U.S. Global Leadership

    Abhik K. Pramanik in Congress, Economic Prosperity, Global Development | May 30, 2017

    Last week, the Administration released its full FY18 budget request, which includes a 32 percent cut to the International Affairs Budget and signals the potential elimination of U.S. assistance to 37 nations. China, on the other hand, recently held a summit to launch a multibillion dollar global infrastructure and development initiative spanning 65 countries that account for 60 percent of the world’s population. One Belt One Road is President Xi Xinping’s ambitious effort to re-assert China’s global economic leadership. China seeks to revive the historic “Silk Road” trading route— spanning from the Netherlands to Indonesia— which helped facilitate international trade for centuries.

  • May 12, 2017

    Giving Every Mother and Newborn a Chance – No Matter Their Circumstance

    Megan Rabbitt in Global Development | May 12, 2017

    Geofrey was able to save baby Praise thanks to a program made possible by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and partners like Johnson & Johnson and Save the Children. As we give thanks to our own mothers this Mother’s Day, let’s also thank Johnson & Johnson and Save the Children for all they are doing to ensure that more women have a chance to become mothers, and more children are born healthy and happy.

  • May 10, 2017

    Peace Colombia: The Success of U.S. Foreign Assistance in South America

    David Sosa in Diplomacy, Global Development | May 10, 2017

    Reintegration will be a long, complex process. U.S. support is vital to aiding Colombia’s efforts to successfully reintegrate former combatants— and strategic to our own national security interests. Colombia is Latin America’s fastest growing economy, a major trading partner, and the leading U.S. ally in South America.

  • May 1, 2017

    What’s Behind the Resurgence of Somali Pirates, Why it Matters

    Sean Hansen in Global Development, National Security | May 1, 2017

    Last week, the Pentagon issued a security warning to commercial shipping companies regarding international piracy—following a recent spike in attacks off the coast of Somalia. While this should cause American shipping companies to be on high alert with nearly one-third of the world’s commercial ships passing through this region, it is perhaps more indicative of how closely tied global security is to the world’s current humanitarian emergencies.

  • April 26, 2017

    A Chance at a Better Life, Thanks to Vaccines

    Megan Guilfoyle in Global Development | April 26, 2017

    To mark World Immunization Week, we celebrate the extraordinary progress that has already been made in global immunization coverage— while recognizing that there is still more work to be done. With the help of organizations like Gavi, its implementing partners, and the U.S. government, children around the world who dream of becoming astronauts, soccer stars, doctors, and fire fighters will one day have a better shot.