Blog Posts in Global Development

  • November 12, 2015

    Nepal, Disaster Resilience, and America’s Role

    Sean Hansen in Global Development | November 12, 2015

    Nepal serves as an example of what has become a core fixture of U.S. foreign assistance: that aid should provide a hand up, not a hand out. Natural disasters are unavoidable, but by providing Nepal with the proper tools to respond to these events, the U.S. is making a wise investment that will ultimately reduce the amount of disaster assistance that Nepal needs. This is not only in their interest, but ours as well.

  • October 9, 2015

    Here’s How We End Global Hunger Effectively

    Zach Silberman in Congress, Global Development | October 9, 2015

    In two separate hearings, the House Foreign Affairs Committee tackled the separate issues of food aid reform and global food security. These continue to be hot-button issues as the global community continues to find sustainable and effective solutions to end global hunger.

  • October 7, 2015

    Untouched: How 284 Liberian Communities Remained Ebola-Free

    Guest Author in Global Development | October 7, 2015

    For four years, we were busy creating access to safe sanitation for communities in Liberia. And if not for an unprecedented epidemic of what is now one of the world’s most feared diseases — Ebola — almost no one outside of the country would have known about it.

  • October 2, 2015

    Investing in Africa’s Future Leaders

    David Stein in Global Development | October 2, 2015

    Godfrey Nyombi is the kind of young leader that represents Africa’s enormous potential. For the past seven years, he has served as the Regional Health Secretary in the remote region of Mtwara, Tanzania, where he works to expand access to quality health care by coordinating the efforts of local authorities with U.S. government agencies, universities, and NGOs.

  • September 21, 2015

    Post-Debate: Americans and the Next Administration on Foreign Policy

    John Glenn in Diplomacy, Global Development | September 21, 2015

    What a difference a year can make. In 2014, some wondered whether Americans were “war weary” and wanted to pull back from the world. Fast forward past Russia’s invasion of Crimea, ISIS declaring a caliphate and brutally executing Americans, and Ebola landing in Dallas, and no one is asking: should the United States be engaged and lead in the world?

  • August 25, 2015

    Fried Twinkies and Foreign Policy?

    Liz Schrayer in Diplomacy, Global Development | August 25, 2015

    As we continue to see headlines from ISIS to Putin, our nation’s role in the world is a hot topic for the candidates with polls showing that national security and foreign policy are among the top issues for voters. I’m very pleased to see so many of the candidates from both sides of the aisle sharing their views on global development and diplomacy — and why it matters for America’s national interests.

  • August 10, 2015

    Supporting the Difficult Struggle for Democracy

    David Stein in Diplomacy, Global Development | August 10, 2015

    Democratic transitions are difficult and rarely linear. There will inevitably be setbacks, even in countries like Nigeria and Tunisia that are seeing progress today. Because of this, the recent decline in U.S. funding for democracy programs is particularly concerning. By supporting the citizens of these countries who are working to strengthen respect for human rights and make their governments more accountable, the United States is not only supporting like-minded allies, but promoting a more peaceful and prosperous world.

  • August 6, 2015

    To Feeding the Future and Beyond

    Zach Silberman in Global Development | August 6, 2015

    The newly-released Feed the Future progress report highlights how a long-term investment in global food security can make a difference both now and well into the future. Here’s a quick snapshot.

  • July 26, 2015

    Three Countries, Three Trips, Immeasurable Impact

    Liz Schrayer in Global Development | July 26, 2015

    Over the past year, I have had the privilege of leading three fact-finding trips to Africa with members of Congress, retired generals, policy advisors, and leaders from the private sector. Together, we saw firsthand the invaluable work and impact of America’s development and diplomacy efforts in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania.

  • July 24, 2015

    African Growth and Opportunity Act Offers New Opportunity to End Aid vs. Trade Debate

    Will Davis in Economic Prosperity, Global Development | July 24, 2015

    As we look toward our nation’s increased engagement with Africa, we welcome legislation like the AGOA reauthorization – smart government officials and smart investors see the synergy between aid and trade. Initiatives like AGOA prove the old “trade vs. aid” debate to be a thing of the past. Such programs create growth and opportunity not just in Africa, but back here in the U.S. as well.