Blog Posts in Global Development

  • January 10, 2019

    Not Your Grandfather’s Foreign Policy: New Opinions from the Next Gen

    Matthew Wright in Congress, Global Development | January 10, 2019

    The newly-minted 116th Congress boasts the youngest freshman class in history. And as a record number of millennial lawmakers have taken their seats in Washington for the first time this month, a question arises: where will this new generation of lawmakers choose to focus their attention? These members of Congress may have just begun calling their votes, but new information suggests that how they prioritize American leadership on the world stage could be quite different from some of their elder peers. A recent study sheds light on the foreign policy interests of younger Americans.

  • December 21, 2018

    USGLC’s Top 10 Blogs of 2018

    Cody Corrington in Economic Prosperity, Global Development | December 21, 2018

    And as 2018 draws to a close, we’re taking a look back at our top stories of the year. We’ve told stories of impact, showcased successes in global development, and explored some of the toughest issues in politics and foreign policy.

  • December 20, 2018

    Bill Gates: “Africa Has to Demand Our Attention”

    Joan Steiger in Economic Prosperity, Global Development | December 20, 2018

    Just ahead of the Administration’s announcement of a new Africa strategy last week, Bill Gates joined in a conversation with Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday at the Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C. to share his insights on a host of growing global challenges and the vital need for continued U.S. leadership around the world— particularly in Africa.

  • December 17, 2018

    A Celebration of America’s Frontline Civilian Heroes

    Carrie Waltemeyer in Diplomacy, Global Development | December 17, 2018

    Earlier this month, at the USGLC ‘s 2018 Tribute Dinner, we celebrated a group of remarkable individuals who represent the best of our country abroad—America’s diplomats and development professionals. From USAID to the State Department, MCC to the Peace Corps, OPIC to USTDA and beyond, America’s civilian frontline personnel work tirelessly to empower women, bring clean water to new places, improve global health, and strengthen our bonds with allies.

  • November 28, 2018

    Fragility to Stability: An Investment in Global Security

    Zach Wehrli in Global Development, National Security | November 28, 2018

    For every $1 we spend to prevent conflict and atrocities, we have the potential to save $16 in response costs, according to the Institute for Economics and Peace. And this week, in an effort to solidify state fragility as a national security priority, the House passed the Global Fragility and Violence Reduction Act of 2018. Now, we turn to the Senate to reframe America’s national security agenda and combat the threats posed by global fragility.

  • November 26, 2018

    Keystone Vets Discuss Security, Development & Diplomacy

    Danny Restivo in Global Development, National Security | November 26, 2018

    From pandemics to natural disasters to strained resources from a growing global population, there are a multitude of challenges for our nation that threaten global stability and go beyond the scope of a military solution.

  • November 21, 2018

    Getting to a Bountiful Thanksgiving in 2050

    Sung Lee in Global Development | November 21, 2018

    Thanksgiving is upon us and families will come together to give thanks and share a meal that connects people all across America. And while we celebrate this American tradition here at home, it’s important to remember the millions around the world who don’t know where they will find their next meal.

  • November 19, 2018

    For Amazon & for Africa, Infrastructure Matters

    Cody Corrington in Economic Prosperity, Global Development | November 19, 2018

    Cities across America lost the bid to house Amazon’s HQ2. Although they lost the bid many of these cities are saying perhaps they’re better off because they are now equipped to handle them. This step— creating infrastructure that supports business development— is vital to a city’s economic growth. Just as major metropolitan areas in the U.S. are investing in their infrastructure, on the other side of the world, cities throughout Sub-Saharan Africa are following suit—working to provide consistent access to the internet, establishing trading partners, and creating currency exchange programs.

  • November 6, 2018

    Five Years Later: Preparedness and Protection in the Philippines

    Chris Multerer in Global Development | November 6, 2018

    In mid-September, government officials in the Philippines were preparing for the worst. A typhoon brewing off the coast was forecasted to bring 150 mile per hour winds. But thanks in part to USAID’s disaster preparedness programs, the country took preemptive and comprehensive action.

  • November 1, 2018

    Quality Dairy Delivers Shared Value

    Cody Corrington in Economic Prosperity, Global Development | November 1, 2018

    In 2016, Abbott partnered with Prabhat, an Indian dairy company, and TechnoServe, an international nonprofit focused on business solutions in the developing world, to create a sustainable new approach for working together with small family farms. The dairy initiative provides rural dairy farmers with access to the training, resources and infrastructure needed to produce higher quality milk that meets industry standards.