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Blog Posts in Global Development

  • March 1, 2019

    Peace Corps Volunteer Breaking Down Stereotypes in Zambia: “Not all American homes are filled with piles and piles of money”

    in Global Development | March 1, 2019

    Since President John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps on March 1, 1961, more than 235,000 Americans have served as volunteers in over 140 countries around the world. This week, we commemorate the 58th anniversary of the Peace Corps by shining a spotlight on Lizzie Heilmann, a Peace Corps volunteer in Zambia who is improving the health and well-being of people in her community while creating lasting impressions for years to come.

  • February 8, 2019

    W-GDP: The Administration’s New Initiative to Empower Women Globally

    Sung Lee in Economic Prosperity, Global Development | February 8, 2019

    An unusual coalition – from Secretaries of State, Commerce, Treasury, and Defense to the heads of America’s development agencies, from a Democratic Senator to a Freedom Caucus member, and from a National Security Advisor to leaders of private and public sector organizations including the World Bank, UNICEF, UPS, P&G, Deloitte, and Walmart – joined the President this week, committing America to promote women’s economic empowerment around the world.

  • January 29, 2019

    3 Things to Watch in Venezuela’s Crisis

    Sung Lee in Diplomacy, Economic Prosperity, Global Development, National Security | January 29, 2019

    The path forward in Venezuela remains uncertain since National Assembly President Juan Guaidó took the oath of office and declared himself the legitimate interim president of Venezuela. He was quickly recognized by the United States, Canada, and much of Central and Latin America, even as Russia, China, and Turkey warned they would continue to support President Maduro. While the Administration insists that no options are “off the table,” it has so far focused on a strong diplomatic and economic response to defend democratic values and encourage a peaceful transition of power. As the crisis unfolds, here are three critical issues to watch as the hunger and political crisis in Venezuela continues to spiral downward.

  • January 25, 2019

    Bill Gates, Matt Damon and Bono Walk into a Room

    Joan Steiger in Economic Prosperity, Global Development | January 25, 2019

    Each year, the World Economic Forum (WEF) draws leaders and luminaries from every corner of the globe and all spheres of influence, including government, business, civil society, academia and media, to Davos, Switzerland. Many high-profile presenters were in attendance at this week’s events, speaking on the theme of Globalization 4.0—both a nod to the increasingly digital, interconnected world and a call for heightened global cooperation in the face of rising nationalism.

  • January 24, 2019

    Creative Early Childhood Education Grows in Zambia, Plans to Expand

    Jillian Slutzker in Global Development | January 24, 2019

    Originally developed by Creative Associates International as a benefit to staff of the Creative-implemented Read to Succeed program, which was funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, Mimi’s Place has since expanded to include the children of civil servants, parents and friends of the original class of families, and others.

  • January 10, 2019

    Not Your Grandfather’s Foreign Policy: New Opinions from the Next Gen

    Matthew Wright in Congress, Global Development | January 10, 2019

    The newly-minted 116th Congress boasts the youngest freshman class in history. And as a record number of millennial lawmakers have taken their seats in Washington for the first time this month, a question arises: where will this new generation of lawmakers choose to focus their attention? These members of Congress may have just begun calling their votes, but new information suggests that how they prioritize American leadership on the world stage could be quite different from some of their elder peers. A recent study sheds light on the foreign policy interests of younger Americans.

  • December 21, 2018

    USGLC’s Top 10 Blogs of 2018

    Cody Corrington in Economic Prosperity, Global Development | December 21, 2018

    And as 2018 draws to a close, we’re taking a look back at our top stories of the year. We’ve told stories of impact, showcased successes in global development, and explored some of the toughest issues in politics and foreign policy.

  • December 20, 2018

    Bill Gates: “Africa Has to Demand Our Attention”

    Joan Steiger in Economic Prosperity, Global Development | December 20, 2018

    Just ahead of the Administration’s announcement of a new Africa strategy last week, Bill Gates joined in a conversation with Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday at the Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C. to share his insights on a host of growing global challenges and the vital need for continued U.S. leadership around the world— particularly in Africa.

  • December 17, 2018

    A Celebration of America’s Frontline Civilian Heroes

    Carrie Waltemeyer in Diplomacy, Global Development | December 17, 2018

    Earlier this month, at the USGLC ‘s 2018 Tribute Dinner, we celebrated a group of remarkable individuals who represent the best of our country abroad—America’s diplomats and development professionals. From USAID to the State Department, MCC to the Peace Corps, OPIC to USTDA and beyond, America’s civilian frontline personnel work tirelessly to empower women, bring clean water to new places, improve global health, and strengthen our bonds with allies.

  • November 28, 2018

    Fragility to Stability: An Investment in Global Security

    Zach Wehrli in Global Development, National Security | November 28, 2018

    For every $1 we spend to prevent conflict and atrocities, we have the potential to save $16 in response costs, according to the Institute for Economics and Peace. And this week, in an effort to solidify state fragility as a national security priority, the House passed the Global Fragility and Violence Reduction Act of 2018. Now, we turn to the Senate to reframe America’s national security agenda and combat the threats posed by global fragility.