With results in, and counting still under way in some states, the USGLC is asking “what do the election results mean for the smart power agenda?” We are pleased to report broad bipartisan support for America’s global leadership and the International Affairs Budget, though we are well aware of the challenges ahead to reconcile commitments to development and diplomacy with the need to address America’s fiscal crisis.
To prepare for January 2013, the USGLC has spent the past 18 months engaged in our Impact 2012 initiative, which focused on ensuring that, regardless of the election outcome, the next Administration and 113th Congress embrace a smart power approach to America’s engagement in the world. With your help, we have held hundreds of meetings with the likely thought leaders in the next Administration and worked tirelessly to educate and engage candidates for the Senate and House of Representatives. We have held nearly 50 events around the country and inspired over 150 appearances in print, radio, and television.
To help you sift through the results, we are pleased to provide this detailed look at the new players and the likely playing field for the 113th Congress. We look forward to welcoming long-time supporters back to Washington along with new and emerging friends as we continue our work together to build a better, safer world.