“ The US spent over 26 Billion last year on foreign aid to developing countries, a large sum for sure but well short of target said by the United Nations millennium development goals. Critics say Washington approach to foreign aid needs to be refocused not just ratcheted up so we can get more bang for our development buck. Right now, aid is dispersed by almost 20 government agencies all following different play books, all pursuing different goals.” – Kojo Nnam
“ The US spent over 26 Billion last year on foreign aid to developing countries, a large sum for sure but well short of target said by the United Nations millennium development goals. Critics say Washington approach to foreign aid needs to be refocused not just ratcheted up so we can get more bang for our development buck. Right now, aid is dispersed by almost 20 government agencies all following different play books, all pursuing different goals.” – Kojo Nnamdi