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Event Recap: Rev. Adam Taylor in Nashville

June 11, 2012 By Megan Nathan

On June 4th, the USGLC hosted Reverend Adam Taylor, the VP of Advocacy for World Vision, at the University Club in Nashville, TN. His remarks highlighted the importance of the partnership between private and public sector funding to accomplish the life saving work done by World Vision and similar organizations overseas. Reverend Taylor compared the world to a human body. If one part of the body is suffering, we all feel the pain. It is through his faith and his duty as an American that he feels a responsibility to aid our greater global body. Following his remarks, Reverend Taylor participated in an engaging Q&A session moderated by USGLC Senior Director Ambassador Mark Green. Audience members wanted to know what they could do to help maintain these critical programs overseas. Reverend Taylor encouraged them to create a dialogue with their Members of Congress to ensure these programs thrive and are well funded.

While most of the audience was from the Nashville area, participants came from as far as Memphis and Cookeville. There was a diverse representation of churches of all denominations, faith-based humanitarian organizations, businesses with international interests, and global health workers.