Yesterday, the USGLC unveiled the brand new 2021 Report on Reports: A Roadmap to U.S. Global Leadership at a virtual event alongside National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and a panel of bipartisan leaders from “Main Streets” across the country — including Mayor Steve Benjamin of Columbia, South Carolina, former Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin, CARE President & CEO Michelle Nunn, and former Congressman Peter Roskam.
In a town where it often feels like policymakers can’t agree on anything, we have found a lot of agreement when it comes to U.S. global leadership in USGLC’s new Report on Reports. There is a clear roadmap of a foreign policy that delivers for American families.
-Liz Schrayer, President & CEO, USGLC
The 2021 report was like no other, released against the backdrop of a global pandemic that has touched every aspect of Americans’ lives and reviewed through the lens of six global challenges – including the pandemic – that affect Americans’ health, economic, and national security. To tackle these crises, the USGLC’s analysis of more than 100 policy reports from across the political spectrum revealed bipartisan support for strengthening and elevating diplomacy and development tools.
A full recording of yesterday’s launch event is available here and a snapshot of perspectives shared by leading policy makers across the country is below:
Leading policymakers in Congress also welcomed the report and highlighted the importance of U.S. global leadership:
Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle and the Biden Administration should use the findings in this report to find consensus and common ground as America faces major global challenges. The analysis is clear: tackling these crises starts with strengthening our diplomacy and development programs around the world, and it ends with delivering results for American families here at home.