Sec. Clinton Tackles Food Security

September 25, 2009 By Richard Parker

Secretary Clinton stressed the importance of taking a smart power approach to solving the global problem of food security during today’s closing address at the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting in New York.   Beginning with an account of a day in the life of one of the world’s poorest farmers, she explained how global food security is linked to our economy, environment and national security. 

Saying, “The question is not whether we can end hunger, it’s whether we will,” Clinton laid out clear principles for tackling food security, such as working with countries to develop plans, addressing causes of hunger, coordinating better on an international scale, and holding people accountable for commitments.   Demonstrating just how important this issue is to Clinton, her Chief of Staff, Cheryl Mills, is the point person for State on food security.  

Tomorrow the Secretary is co-hosting a meeting in New York with U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on food security to look at ways to start coordinating a global response to hunger and food security.