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Smart Power Post-bin Laden

May 16, 2011 By Melissa Silverman

Former Secretary of Defense and USGLC Advisory Council member Frank Carlucci authored an op-ed in the Washington Times this weekend, discussing smart power in the post-Osama bin Laden era. Secretary Carlucci writes that “while we honor our service members and celebrate justice being achieved in the case of one of the most wanted terrorists of all time, we must continue to be vigilant when it comes to our national security and ensure that we have all the tools we need to meet the global challenges the United States faces. In today’s complex world, even post-bin Laden, keeping our nation safe means investing in development and diplomacy alongside defense.”

Must Reads
USGLC in the News

Post-bin Laden smart power (Frank Carlucci – The Washington Times)

When it comes to how we combat today’s threats, our military leaders have spoken with one voice. Top leaders from Gen. H. David Petraeus to Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen to my successor, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, have told us repeatedly that our civilian-led development and diplomatic operations are critical parts of our national security and we need to continue to provide them with the resources they need to be effective.

Who’s In the News

Kyl, Johnson, Sessions and Crapo: ‘Belt of Freedom’ seeks valuable US support (Senators John Kyl, Ron Johnson, Jeff Sessions, and Mike Crapo – Roll Call)

The U.S. should seize this moment with the 21st century’s “belt of freedom and democracy,” not only to support them but to provide a clear example to the Russian people who, with the right policies and leaders, could enjoy the same opportunities.

The budget debate we all deserve (Paul Ryan – the Chicago Tribune)

Too many in Washington remain fixated on the next election, at the expense of the next generation. But there is a hidden cost to the shared scarcity mentality — a cost measured in lost prosperity and lost freedom.   We face a choice between two futures. We can continue to go down the path toward shared scarcity, or we can choose the path of renewed prosperity.  But the comeback starts by putting aside class warfare and focusing on what we can achieve together.

The China Challenge (Henry Kissinger – The Wall Street Journal)

Societies and nations tend to think of themselves as eternal. They also cherish a tale of their origin. A special feature of Chinese civilization is that it seems to have no beginning. It appears in history less as a conventional nation-state than as a permanent natural phenomenon. In the tale of the Yellow Emperor, revered by many Chinese as the legendary founding ruler, China seems already to exist.

Smart Power

Anne-Marie Slaughter: Promoting development in US foreign policy (Isobel Coleman – Council on Foreign Relations)

It is heartening to see the State Department focus on development, for reasons both humanitarian and strategic. After all, as Slaughter pointed out during our CFR meeting, many of the largest economies of the 21st century—led by China and India—will still be developing. This is sure to put development higher on the global agenda.

What Holbrooke Knew (Nicholas Kristof – The New York Times)

When he was alive, Ambassador Richard Holbrooke was effectively gagged, unable to comment on what he saw as missteps of the Obama administration that he served. But as we face a crisis in Pakistan after the killing of Osama bin Laden, it’s worth listening to Holbrooke’s counsel — from beyond the grave.

Politics/Foreign Policy
Kerry arrives in Pakistan for meetings over bin Laden that could sway future aid prospects (Karen Brulliard – The Washington Post)

U.S. Sen. John F. Kerry arrived here late Sunday to discuss the killing of Osama bin Laden with Pakistani leaders, in meetings that could influence whether the United States continues to provide billions of dollars in aid to an ally that many in Washington believe harbors Islamist militants.

It’s all your money: US aid to Pakistan (William LaJeunesse – Fox News blog)

Foreign aid is always controversial, especially at a time when the United States is broke, when U.S. government audits show that the money given to other nations is wasted and misused and when countries that receive the money frankly don’t like the United States.