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USGLC Coalition Member CARE featured on Today Show

January 6, 2011 By Melissa Silverman

USGLC Coalition Member CARE’s important Learning Tour earned a feature on NBC’s Today show. The segment focused on maternal mortality, and correspondent Jenna Bush Hagar traveled to Ethiopia to see CARE programs in action. She toured maternal health projects with CARE President and CEO Dr. Helene Gayle, CARE’s Advocate for Maternal Health Christy Turlington Burns, Reps. Aaron Schock (R-IL) and Laura Richardson (D-CA) as well as Ambassador Mark Dybul and Deb Derrick from the Gates Foundation.

When the Today show’s Jenna Bush Hagar asked Congressman Schock to make the case for foreign aid, he replied “It makes sense from a humanitarian side but also the security side, because we know a country that is developing, a country that has opportunity and hope for its people is a country where there is going to be stability and at the end of the day, that is a positive thing for America.”

Worldwide, hundreds of thousands of women die from complications in pregnancy and childbirth each year, and tragically, up to 90 percent of all maternal deaths are preventable.

To watch the segment, please click here.