Past Event Description:
Join USGLC’s third annual Heartland Summit to learn how strategic investments in agriculture and global development are creating jobs at home and abroad, feeding the hungry, and keeping Americans safe – showcasing what America’s role in the world is worth to communities across America’s heartland.
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Featured Speakers
Featured Speaker:
Senator Joni Ernst
U.S. Senate (R-IA)
Featured Speaker:
Michael Wagner
Managing Director of Starches, Sweeteners and Texturizers Cargill
Featured Speaker:
Dan Glickman
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture (1995 – 2001) U.S. Representative (1977 – 1995)
Farmers for Prosperity is a network of agribusiness leaders committed to harnessing all American resources to feed the world. With food insecurity severely impacted by global crises—it’s more important than ever that farmers from across the heartland are advocates for American global engagement.