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Past Event / January 27, 2014

U.S. Global Leadership: Impact on Virginia

A a general, a senator, and a diplomat walked into a hotel. All of them agreed that the secret to Virginia’s success is being a player in the global economy, and that it’s important for the U.S. to be engaged in the world. Read our top three takeaways from the Richmond event.



Featured Remarks

Robert Zoellick

Robert Zoellick

President, World Bank (2007-2012)

Robert Zoellick recently finished his tenure as distinguished visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, having served as the head of Governor Romney’s National Security Transition team during the 2012 Presidential Campaign. Mr. Zoellick joined the campaign after concluding his 5 year-tenure as president of the World Bank. Prior to the World Bank, he was Vice President at Goldman Sachs and served in various high-level posts in the George W. Bush administration including Deputy Secretary of State and as the U.S. Trade Representative. He is also a member of USGLC’s National Advisory Council.

James Mattis

Gen. James Mattis

Commander, U.S. Central Command (2010-2013)

General Mattis served as Commander of U.S. Central Combatant Command (CENTCOM) from 2010-2013, where he led the U.S. military in one of the most strategically important regions of the world for U.S. national security. Throughout his 40-year career with the Marine Corps, General Mattis served in a number of leadership roles, including Commander of Marine I Expeditionary Forces, U.S. Joint Forces Command, and Supreme Allied Commander Transformation. From his experience, General Mattis has an in-depth understanding of the challenges and opportunities of civilian agencies in maintaining the hard-fought gains of our military. He is also a member of USGLC’s National Security Advisory Council.

Sen. Tim Kaine

Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA)

Senator Tim Kaine was elected to the Senate in 2012 and serves on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Senator Kaine has a long history of leadership in the state of Virginia, serving as governor, lieutenant governor, and the mayor of Richmond. A strong supporter of America’s global engagement, the Senator frequently highlights his service with Jesuit missionaries in Honduras as a turning point for his international understanding. As Governor, Senator Kaine traveled to nations including Israel, Japan, and Morocco while leading several trade missions.

Event Partners

ChildFund International University of Richmond
Reserve Officers Association Virginia Manufacturers Association
The World Affairs Council of Greater Richmond