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The USGLC coalition is an influential network of more than 500 organizations and thousands of individuals who leverage their voices to engage policymakers and build support for America’s international programs.
Your gift to the Center for U.S. Global Leadership will strengthen our efforts to demonstrate the growing support for America’s diplomacy and development program around the country.
Join our network of over 500 businesses & NGOs, nearly every living former Secretary of State, 250 three and four-star military leaders, bipartisan national security and foreign policy experts, community leaders in all 50 states and over 30,000 veterans.
The USGLC is active around the country with educational roundtables, events with members of Congress, and networking opportunities.
Over 30,000 U.S. military veterans from all branches and ranks share the commitment to elevate America’s civilian tools alongside a strong defense to prevent conflict and keep our nation safe.
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