With a strong and growing coalition in New Hampshire for close to a decade, the USGLC works to educate and engage policymakers and community leaders on why investments in development and diplomacy help keep America safe and strengthen New Hampshire’s economy.
The USGLC’s New Hampshire Advisory Committee brings together more than 70 business, faith, non-profit, and political leaders who understand how American global leadership matters for New Hampshire. We’re also proud of New Hampshire’s Veterans for Smart Power – part of a nationwide network of 30,000 veterans.
In 2023, New Hampshire exported
$7.6 billion
in goods to foreign markets.
In New Hampshire,
182,200 jobs (20.10%)
are supported by trade.
From 2022-2023,
3,767 international students
were enrolled in New Hampshire colleges and universities
In 2022, USGLC is watching six numbers that will drive global challenges – and depending on how the U.S. responds, it will shape the impact on every American family’s health, security, and economic interests. And no surprise – the tools of diplomacy and global development are going to once again be front and center.
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