September 22, 2011
Congress Should Enact No Less than Senate Funding Level for International Affairs Budget
Washington, DC — The U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (USGLC) applauds the Senate Appropriations Committee for passing critical funding in support of our national security and economic prosperity, even in a very challenging budget environment. The State, Foreign Operations funding approved $53 billion for the International Affairs Budget today, which provides essential support for development and diplomatic programs disproportionately cut in the House version of the bill.
“We face a very different set of security challenges today in a post-9/11 world, and to keep our nation safe, we must deploy a full range of tools, especially our development and diplomacy operations funded by the International Affairs Budget,” said Admiral James Loy, USCG (Ret.), co-chair of the USGLC National Security Advisory Council. “These critical programs are vital to our national security, and I am pleased the Senate is taking a stand to provide more adequate resources.”
“We are grateful for the strong bipartisan support in the Senate today for programs that protect our national and economic security while preserving American leadership in the world,” said Liz Schrayer, Executive Director of the USGLC. “Enacting anything less than the Senate funding level will severely impact our nation’s ability to respond to the global challenges and threats we face today.”
The House and Senate will now conference their appropriations bills. While the Senate provides $44.6 billion for non-war related programs, the House’s FY12 level of $39.6 billion represents a devastating 20 percent cut to non-war related programs from FY10 levels, putting America’s global leadership at risk.
American business agrees the International Affairs Budget is critical for our economic future. Earlier this year, over 50 of the country’s top business leaders released a letter to Members of Congress saying, “The International Affairs Budget funds valuable tools for advancing U.S. economic and strategic interests around the world and is vital for achieving a more prosperous future for American workers and businesses.”
The International Affairs Budget represents just over one percent of the entire federal budget yet pays large dividends for our national and economic security, as well as American leadership and values in the world. The International Affairs Budget promotes a better, safer America and world by protecting national security, building economic prosperity and strengthening humanitarian values.
The U.S. Global Leadership Coalition ( is a broad-based influential network of 400 businesses and NGOs; national security and foreign policy experts; and business, faith-based, academic and community leaders in all 50 states who support a smart power approach of elevating development and diplomacy alongside defense in order to build a better, safer world.