“Emerging markets are often portrayed as a major threat to the U.S. economy,” Bayer states, noting that many Americans and politicians are worried that emerging markets in China, India, Brazil, and sub-Saharan Africa could threaten American jobs...
The report highlights the impact that economic engagement has had on global poverty reduction. The report notes that the countries showing the greatest progress are those that are “allowing market prices to balance supply and demand and to...
“We are engaged in a broad, sustained, and integrated campaign that harnesses every tool of American power—military, civilian, and the power of our values—together with the concerted efforts of allies, partners, and multilateral...
In her testimony Brainard emphasized how multilateral development banks play a vital role in securing America’s economic interests, stating, “The MDB’s build the roads and ports to get our products to new markets, and the ‘soft...
In his opening statement, Ambassador Crocker said, “As you know, our core goal in Afghanistan, and Pakistan, is to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al-Qa’ida, and to deny it safe haven in those countries. Our efforts to pursue this goal are...
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