Kansas’s transportation, manufacturing, and food products are in increasing demand throughout the world. In 2023, the state exported $14 billion worth of goods, with international trade supporting nearly 365,000 jobs in across the state.

Job Creation

  • In Kansas, 364,600 jobs were supported by international trade in 2019, representing 18.7% of all jobs in the state.1,2
  • In 2020, 3,437 companies exported goods from Kansas of which 83% were small- and medium-sized enterprises. In 2018, 74,600 people were employed by affiliates of companies at least 50% foreign-owned.3,4

Exports and Growth

  • Kansas exported $14.1 billion in goods to foreign markets in 2023. Kansas’s largest markets were:5
    • Mexico ($3.0 billion)
    • Canada ($2.6 billion)
    • Japan ($941 million)
    • China ($848 million)
    • Germany ($524 million)
  • Agricultural exports are important to Kansas's' economy, totaling $7.2 billion in 2020, according to the USDA.6
  • Since 2014, the U.S. Export-Import Bank has financed $6 billion in exports from 57 companies in Kansas.7
  • Since 1992, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency has helped facilitate $950 million in exports from Kansas companies.9

Education and Research

  • During 2020, 9,353 international students were enrolled in Kansas colleges and universities and contributed $247 million to the Kansas economy.10

Global Engagement

  • Since 1961, 1,857 Peace Corps volunteers from Kansas have served in dozens of countries overseas.11