March 4, 2008

Congressional Budget Committees to Begin FY09 Debate

SCHEDULE: The House and Senate Budget Committees will begin mark-up of the FY09 Concurrent Budget Resolutions on Wednesday, March 5.

House Budget Committee
Senate Budget Committee
10:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m.
210 Cannon House Office Building 608 Dirksen Senate Office Building

NEXT STEPS: We will be keeping a close watch for any relevant amendments regarding the International Affairs Budget.  Watch your email for any action needed (e.g. opposing a cutting amendment, supporting amendment to add additional funds, etc.).

ACTION NEEDED: If you have not called Budget Chairmen Senator Kent Conrad (202-224-7776) and Representative John Spratt (202-225-5501) and Ranking Members Senator Judd Gregg (202-224-3324) and Representative Paul Ryan (202-225-3031), please do so TODAY. Urge them to support no less than $39.5 billion for the FY09 International Affairs Budget.

To contact the Budget Committees directly, please call 202-224-0642 for the Senate and 202-226-7200 for the House. Thank you for taking action.