April 13, 2009

Obama Administration Requests $7.1 Billion for International Affairs Budget in War Supplemental

On Friday, April 10th, the Obama Administration formally submitted to Congress its $83.4 billion FY09 Emergency Supplemental request , which includes $7.1 billion for the International Affairs Budget primarily for assistance programs and embassy operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.  The Administration has asked Congress to complete consideration of its FY09 Supplemental spending request by the Memorial Day recess.

In his transmittal letter to Congress, President Obama addressed the importance of using all of the “smart power” tools of diplomacy and development alongside of defense in building regional stability. The FY09 Emergency Supplemental request also includes funding for other priority programs including $836 million for International Peacekeeping, nearly $800 million for several humanitarian aid accounts, $715 million in humanitarian and economic support for the West Bank and Gaza, $242.5 million for assistance to Georgia, and $448 million to support developing countries and vulnerable populations most affected by the global financial crisis. According to the Administration, the FY09 Emergency Supplemental will be the last supplemental funding request for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as part of The White House’s commitment to include costs for overseas operations in the annual budget process.

Detailed account by account summary of the FY09 Emergency Supplemental