In today’s interconnected world, America must use all its instruments of national security and foreign policy to ensure we keep our citizens safe, strengthen our economy, and save lives. Our nation’s civilian tools of diplomacy and development are underfunded and undermanned, which is why the USGLC supports a strong and effective International Affairs Budget.
From ISIS to global pandemics to weak and fragile states, America faces an unprecedented number of complex global threats that cannot be solved by military power alone. Addressing the root causes of violent conflict overseas through development and diplomacy helps protect Americans and helps reduce the need to send our servicemen and women into harm’s way.
America’s diplomats and development workers help put the building blocks in place so that U.S. companies can expand their exports, reach new markets, and create more jobs here at home. With 95% of the world’s consumers outside of our borders and the fastest-growing markets in developing countries, it’s vital that we stay competitive in the global marketplace, ensure a level playing field for American businesses, and reach more customers.
American development and relief programs save lives, cure disease, and promote our nation’s highest values. From combating the global HIV/AIDS pandemic to helping cut extreme poverty in half in the last 25 years, America can be proud of its leadership in helping those in need around the world.
Learn more about the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition and the importance of a civilian-led approach of elevating development and diplomacy alongside defense in order to build a better, safer world. Get the tools, reports, and numbers to learn more.
Don’t just take it from us! Check out what America’s top leaders from former Administrations, Congress, the military, and the business and nonprofit communities have said about the importance of development and diplomacy.
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